Little Pink Peas

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just Got Rid Of A Major Virus On My Computer..

So as you all know I have been having major internet problems for awhile. I really have not been able to post pictures of my cards and things and I have even been having major issues even trying to post a simple update. Earlier today my husband told me that I had a major virus on my computer. It was a BAD, bad one. Thank goodness he knows how to fix it otherwise I would have to take my computer to someone and spend alot of money and time to get it removed. It took him a few hours but the virus is now gone.

So, I am back and am able to post things again.. YAY!! The thing is that I had no clue that I had a virus. I knew something was wrong with my computer but really had no clue what was going on.

I have a BUNCH of new Cricut Cartridges and other fun tools that I got recently. I cannot wait to start using them and posting my creations for you all. Tomorrow is my first day back since all of this happened. Hope you all are doing well and I will talk to you soon. ~Terri