Little Pink Peas

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sorry That I Have Not Been On Here...

Hi.. I am really sorry that I have not been on here lately. A few things have been going on. We had a death in the family, I have been sick and also had internet issues. But, I am back and will be adding things shortly. Thank you for hanging in there with me during all of this.

 I am also going to be closing my giveaway next week. So if you have not entered please do before it is closed. You will find the giveaway on one of my posts on this blog.

Also, I am currently working on redoing my craft room and will be posting pictures of that as soon as I am done. It is a massive I also have a few cards to post so I will get to that soon too. Thank you for checking back and I will be back to normal very soon. I just wanted to update you all so you did not think that I dropped off the face of the I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!!
Talk to you all soon ~Terri