Little Pink Peas

Friday, September 16, 2011

Announcing The Winner Of My Birthday Blog Candy Giveaway.. Finally...

Before I announce the winner of my birthday blog candy giveaway I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of my blog readers and followers for not announcing the winner sooner. Things have been literally crazy for me lately, and on top of that I am fighting a bladder infection so I am not feeling that well. So I am really really sorry that it took me this long to announce the winner to you all. I know you all have waited so very patiently and I appreciate that so very much.
My next giveaway I will announce the winner when I promise to. I really feel terrible for being so late. I hope you are all not to upset at me and will accept my apology.

Now.. to announce the winner of my blog candy..this is what the winner is getting..Everything in this picture and it's alot!
Not everything is shown so there is a bit more!

Here we go the winner of my blog candy is.....
Kathy from Scrap N Daze

Just a few words about Kathy.. she is a nurse and I believe that nurses are like very special angels that live on earth. They do SO SO much to help us when we are sick and they really don't get much credit for all that they do. Nurses and teachers are very special to me and I really appreciate all of the hard work, the very hard work that they do to help us when we need them. I want to take this time to acknowledge Kathy and all of you nurses out there for ALL of your hard work that it takes being a nurse. It takes a special person to be a nurse and thank you for all of the time you have spent with your patients and their families. I am sure you have touched many lives during your career!

When I had my tmj total joint replacement surgery I had many complications during surgery and after. Unknowingly straight after surgery I ended up in the ICU for 4 days intubated and sedated. I had really special nurses that let my husband be by my side pretty much the whole 4 days. Then after they woke me up I had to stay in the hospital for 6 additional days. I remember this one nurse who was so amazing and so super sweet to me. I don't know why but I wanted my hair washed SO badly and despite the fact that I was so badly swollen and was under very very strong pain medications she took the time to wash my hair while I was confined to my bed. I have a picture of her washing my hair and it is and was so very sweet of her to do that for me. That surgery in itself was so traumatic for me and I suffer from chronic pain on my jaw and face and my pain will never go away. But that sweet nurse was willing to do anything to help me feel better. I will never forget that moment and how much I appreciated her kindness. To me she went over and beyond the call of duty. You know, I just thought of this... I am going to try and find out who she was so I can send her a card and let her know how much I appreciated that moment and how much she helped me in one of the most traumatic times in my life. have inspired me to find her so Thank You for that!!

If you are not familiar with Kathy's blog PLEASE hop on over to Scrap N Daze and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. She has some ADORABLE mini albums, and I mean
ah-dor-able. Kathy has several different themes of them on her blog and they are just precious. Like me she also loves photography, so I hope to make a new blogging friend in her. She really seems like an amazingly sweet, caring and loving person and I am so happy for her.

Congratulations Kathy!! I will email you but if you see this post before you get my email please email me your name and address to Terrico3 at ameritech dot net. 

By the way, Kathy did just about everything she could in order to get those extra chances and I am really HAPPY for her. I will be doing another giveaway soon so you will have another chance to win something from Two Pink Peas. As soon as I get over my bladder infection and start to feel better I will post a new giveaway.

I hope that you all know that I really *Wish* that I could give each and every one of you a prize who enter in my giveaway's. Obviously since I can't do that, the next best thing that I can do is to keep having more blog candy giveaway's for you all. Thank you to ALL of you who took the time to enter. I appreciate each and every one of you and I hope you will enter in my upcoming giveaway's. Please know how much I appreciate you!!
Again, Congratulations Kathy!! Enjoy all of your new goodies!!!

Big Cricut Hugs...

P.S. Sorry to make this post so long but you all know that I am a blabber mouth at times.. lol. Thanks for reading this if you got this far!! Hugs!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Very Close To Announcing A Winner For My Blog Candy Winner...

Hi girls!! Sorry that I have not announced a winner yet but I am very close to announcing who won. I have been verifying every entry and it has taken a bit longer then expected. I am thinking that I will be able to announce who won either tonight or tomorrow. I want to thank you for being so patient with me. As soon as I know who won I will announce it and then you will all know.
Have a great day everyone!!
Big Cricut Hugs!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thank You For All The Happy Birthday Wishes.....

I wanted to Thank You for ALL of your sweet Happy Birthday wishes today!! You are all so amazing and so super sweet. Today my Two Pink Peas facebook page was filled with nothing but Happy Birthday's and it was SO SO SO sweet!! Thank you so much for thinking of me and taking the time to wish me a Happy Birthday!!! I appreciate each and every one of you and I wish I could give each of you a big ole' hug!! Today I had to get my drivers license renewed and boy was that (kidding!! doing that is never Then I had some errands to run so I really did not do anything special. Usually we go out to dinner but since our kids have school and I was busy running around getting things done we did not go out to eat this time. I am sure you are all wondering what my husband got me for my birthday. Well, this is what he is giving me...This is something he has never done before and I was shocked when he told me what he wanted to do. Late last night he came to me and told me that he is setting up a special bank account for my
Two Pink Peas Craft Room and when our new house is built  I will have between $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 to do whatever I want. I can use part of it to decorate my room and use the other part to purchase more craft supplies (like I really need but how SWEET is that? So to date this is the best birthday gift I have ever received from him. I have been doing some research on the internet and looking at other craft rooms and I found ALOT of amazing ideas on how I want my Two Pink Peas Craft Room to look. So when we move in to our new house I will be posting LOTS of pictures on the progress of my TPP Craft Room. I can't wait to get in there and get started and wish that I could work in it every single day starting right now, but I will have to wait just a bit longer. But I wanted Thank you each and every one of you who wished me a Happy Birthday today!! Probably one of my favorite parts of today was stopping and feeding the stray kittens before I came home. When I pulled into the parking lot where they live they were ALL out of the drain and omg...they are growing SO much. They are absolutely adorable. I just wish I could find them homes, I am still working on it and my goal is to get them homes before winter comes. They cannot survive being outside where we live because we are in the snow belt. I refuse to take them to a kill shelter.. it has to be a NO kill shelter and I will find one, I just wish I could get them out of the drains right now. It really tears my heart to see them living in there. Then when I came home Casey made me this beautiful handmade card wishing me a Happy Birthday and Hallie had all of these little gifts for me. They are so sweet and very thoughtful!! :o)
Then of course walking in my door and getting tons of kisses and lots of love from Bella.. that is always the BEST..
It is so amazing to me how much Bella loves me.. She is the best gift and she sure loves her mama!!! 

Before I go, I want to also thank you ALL for entering my birthday blog candy giveaway. It is going to take me a few days to get the results and verify everything and as soon as I figure out who won I will announce the winner!! If I could I would give one of these kits to each and every one of you, that is the hardest part of doing giveaways! At least for me, I hate to let other's down and I LOVE to give so this is really difficult for me. I am currently working with a couple new sponsors so be on the look out for those announcements!!
Over all it was a pretty good day and that is all that matters to me!!

Big Cricut Hugs!!!

P.S. Big Lots has the Cricut Cake on sale for $140.00!!
What a GREAT deal so if you have been looking or wanting a Cricut Cake call your closest Big Lots and see if they have them there. What a great deal!!! I almost got one but I don't really bake cakes that much so I don't think I would use it that often. Good Luck if you are looking for one..
I really hope you can get one!! Hugs to you all!!