Little Pink Peas

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Pink Peas Website Is In Development...

So my sweet husband came to me a couple nights ago and told me that my blog is a mess..LOL. He is a web developer and lot's of other things at the same time. He is now going to design my website. Right now if you click on it you will be redirected back to here on blogspot. So, we are in the process of setting up a whole new website for all of you. Hopefully it will be organized much better, designed much better and easier to search for things. That is our goal. I am really excited. He is always working and rarely has time to do things like this but he offered to do it all on his own. I just love him so much. How SWEET is he?? Once it is all done I will be making another announcement and letting you all know so you can visit and let me know what you all think.

I would LOVE to hear any comments and suggestions on what you all would like to see implemented on my website?? It can be anything, anything at all. Today I am working on another card and hopefully I will post that with the directions on how to make the past few cards too. Things have been crazy and that is why I have not done that yet.

When the is all set up I will be having a great giveaway just for the occasion!! Maybe a Cricut Cartridge??? How does that sound?

Have a great day and I will talk to you all soon!!! Hugs, ~Terri

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hurry.. SwagBucks....Great Time To Sign Up!!!

So I was on the Cricut.Com message board and read a thread about SwagBucks. I have personally never heard of this before but they are running a special if you sign up right now before the 28th of Feb. you will get 55 FREE swagbucks. Just click on this link here... and sign up and you will get 55 free swagbucks.  Enter the code BirthdayFun to get your free swag money. You can redeem the swagbucks for craft can earn swagbucks just for searching through their website. You shop online anyway BUT if you search through the swagbucks website then you will earn $2.00 for every dollar you spend at your favorite store. You spend the money anyway so why not get free swagbucks on top of that. Plus, there are tons of other ways to earn swagbucks. I am learning about this but if you have any questions please let me know and I will try to find the answer for you. All I have to say is HURRY, HURRY and

Thanks in advance for clicking on the link that I provided. I do get $10 swagbucks for every referral and you CAN TOO!! Also, become a follower of swagbucks on their facebook page and twitter to find other codes to earn free money. I am sure I am leaving out some things but when I think of them I will add them on my blog. Also, when I find new codes I will share them with you all so you can too get free money.

I just wanted to share this with ALL of my card making friends here!! Talk to ya all soon.. ~Terri

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Friends Car Decal Cartridge Card

So I got inspired to use my Car Decal Cricut Cartridge today after doing some research on it today. I found some really super cute ideas and I have never used it before until today.
I will list everything about this tomorrow.

To be honest, it did not come out like I wanted it to but I thought I would share it anyways. Sometime this week I am going to redo it or make a different one using the Car Decal cartridge. I do have to say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Car Decal is by far SO much cuter then I expected it to be. Plus, there are a few Cricut bug pictures on the cartridge. I really like how the little girl and the puppy came is just the rest of it that I am not sure about. I have not slept one single wink in almost 24 hours so I am very tired and my back is killing I am sure that has something to do with it. With a good nights rest I will be back trying it again tomorrow.

I will post how to make this card tomorrow as I can barely keep my eyes open right now. Thank you all for stopping by my blog and taking a peek. I really appreciate it and I LOVE comments!!!

See you all tomorrow with a new project! ~Terri

Monday, February 21, 2011

Question For You All About The Peel N' Stick Ribbon Giveaway...

I was reading all the wonderful and sweet comments that you all wrote for the giveaway and I wish I could give the Peel N' Stick Ribbon to ALL of you. So, I came up with an idea but I wanted to ask all of you who had entered the giveaway already. I can give 1 person the 20 packets of the ribbon OR I can divide them up and make it to where 3 of you can win some. I of course would add some more to it so it would be equal for all of you. I just do not know how much a piece yet. What do you all think? That is more chances to win but it is less ribbon. I will do what you all want me to do.

Please leave me a comment here and let me know how you feel about this. Thanks SO much!! Also, Thanks so much for ALL the wonderful comments..Keep them coming! I love each and every one of them!!~Terri

I'm So Glad You're My Dad Card...

Here is a little quickie card that I made today. I did not use the Cricut or Cuttlebug at all. I just used some paper and cardstock that I had on hand. I will post the directions and the materials used tomorrow sometime. It is after 3 am and I need to get to bed. I just wanted to at least post the picture of it tonight. Excuse the fraying of the ribbon at the end, I did not see that until after I took the!

Anyhow, I just wanted to share this since I have not posted pictures of any new cards in a while. While you are here be sure to enter my giveaway for the super cute Peel N' Stick Ribbon. The post is down below somewhere..I know that does not really help you out

I hope you all have a fabulous day tomorrow and I will talk to you all then!! Thanks SO much for stopping by my blog and for taking a look!!! ~Terri

Sunday, February 20, 2011

We Have A Winner!!!

I finally closed out the giveaway from Suz of
I pulled the name from
and the winner is.......

Dawnetta Miller-Robles...
Congratulations Dawnetta!!!

Thank you all so much for your entries.. I am having another giveaway right now. All you have to do is enter your name and that's it. It is for Peel N' Stick make sure to enter today for your chance to win.

Also, make sure to visit Suz at her blog. She has alot of great ideas and things on her blog.
On her blog she also has another blog that has items that you can buy that are absolutely beautiful. So be sure to check her out!!
 I also want to take this time to thank Suz for sponsoring this giveaway. I really appreciate it!!! You are the best!
Thanks so much!! ~Terri

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Free Valentines Download...

Since Valentines Day is approaching in the coming days I was looking around for cute Valentines Day kiddie cards and I found some!! These are Valentines Made By Hannah. If you want these just go to and you will be able to download them for free. She did a great job designing them for her kids. While you are there leave her a comment and let her know how adorable these are. I am sure she would appreciate that!!
I hope you like these and they help you in some way. I am currently working on some Valentine Treat Bags and also a Valentines Treat Box for my daughter Hallie. I will post pictures of them when we are done. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! ~Terri

Friday, February 11, 2011

Peel N' Stick Ribbon Giveaway...

Hi all! Since I have SO much of this great peel n' stick ribbon I thought I would have a giveaway. I am going to give someone 5 of each of these peel n' stick ribbons. I will leave this giveaway open for one week and then I will randomly pick a name. One of you will receive 5 of each, that is 20 all together.

All you have to do is leave your name and a comment below. I hope you will enjoy this great ribbon as much as I do. I am moderating the comments because I have been getting a ton of spam that is bad content. So you will not see your comment right away but it will show up as soon as I read them. Sorry about that!

Good luck!! I am also closing my other giveaway this coming Wednesday night. I will post who won it. So you still have time to enter. Sorry it took me so long but I am going to get both of these things out to you as soon as I can. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!! ~Terri

P.S. I just wanted to let you all know that I am moderating the comments because I have been getting a TON of spam comments that are very inappropriate. Sorry for this!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wow.. Look At ALL This Ribbon I Got For $.10 Each...

So I just got home from Marc's and I came home with a HUGE bag full of Peel 'N' Stick Ribbon for .10 cents a piece. You get 3 yards in each package. Then they also had confetti packets 3 for $1.00. I ended up getting 71 packages of ribbon and a bunch of confetti. I was so tempted to buy a lot more but what would I do with it all? lol If they had more of a variety then I would have for sure bought a bunch more.
If you have a Marc's by you RUN, RUN, RUN and grab some. They only had 4 different kinds at my Marc's but still..
what a great deal.
If you have any questions about them let me know and I will try to help in any way I can.

Now I just have to get making some cute cards with this cute ribbon. Hope you all are doing well. I am off to rip my closet apart..we are re-doing it. Ughh..what a JOB!
Wish us

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just Got Rid Of A Major Virus On My Computer..

So as you all know I have been having major internet problems for awhile. I really have not been able to post pictures of my cards and things and I have even been having major issues even trying to post a simple update. Earlier today my husband told me that I had a major virus on my computer. It was a BAD, bad one. Thank goodness he knows how to fix it otherwise I would have to take my computer to someone and spend alot of money and time to get it removed. It took him a few hours but the virus is now gone.

So, I am back and am able to post things again.. YAY!! The thing is that I had no clue that I had a virus. I knew something was wrong with my computer but really had no clue what was going on.

I have a BUNCH of new Cricut Cartridges and other fun tools that I got recently. I cannot wait to start using them and posting my creations for you all. Tomorrow is my first day back since all of this happened. Hope you all are doing well and I will talk to you soon. ~Terri