Little Pink Peas

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Contest Date Announcement!!!

Yay!! I have a wonderful sponsor that is going to donate  GREAT Blog Candy!! My giveaway will start on November 30th and will run for one week. I will post more details as it gets close to that date, but trust me, you will NOT want to miss this. Suz from is my sponsor and she has a wonderful prize in store for you  all.  You should take a peek at her website and see the items she has for sale. The website for her product blog is If you are not already a follower you might want to follow me here at so you will not miss out on this great giveawayt that is coming up soon. (I am also posting this on Terri Tv so if you are on the Terri Tv site please go to and become a follower there. Terri Tv will be shut down soon and I don't want to lose not one follower) Thank you SO much for visiting me today.  Stay tuned for more details on this giveaway. Have a great day everyone! ~Terri